domingo, 13 de março de 2016

BOB MARLEY and KHARIEN - spirits- Arael Magnus - channel- United in love

On August 26, 2015, in Ceuld in Red Crown, Bahia, the spirit of Bob Marley was manifested to the medium Arael Magnus, which left 19 songs in the style that made him world famous, Reggae. He was accompanied by his mentor, Kharien, and talked about his joining the Alpha Project, since 2014.

No dia 26 de agosto de 2015, no Ceuld , em Coroa Vermelha, Bahia, o espírito de Bob Marley se manifestou ao médium Arael Magnus, onde deixou 19 músicas, dentro do estilo que o tornou mundialmente famoso, o Reggae. Esta acompanhada por sua mentora, Kharien, e falou sobre seu ingresso no Projeto Alfa, desde 2014.